Abiola Abrams is known for her career in film making, writing and hosting television programs.
Born in 1976, Abrams is a Guyanese-American and was raised in New York City which she appropriately calls 'Queens County'. It was here that she gained her Fine Arts Degree at Sarah Lawrence College and then furthered her studies with a Master of Fine Arts at Vermont College.
Abrams fine arts background has let her to a creative career, where she is involved in film, writing and TV hosting. Her writing is featured in Eve Ensler's anthology 'A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and A Prayer' which also features acclaimed writers such as Alice Walker, Edwisge Danticat and Edward Albee. Furthermore, Abrams work is also t be featured in the anthologies 'Dirty Words: An Encyclopaedia of Sex' and 'Behind the Bedroom Door' by Ellen Sussman and Paula Derrow respectively. Abrams debut novel titled 'Dare' was published in December 2007.
Further content can be seen regularly on Abiolas blog, where she covers "Inspirational Articles: Motivation, Inspiration, Quotes and Love". She also writes on the Hello Beautiful and The Talk Show blogs.
Abiola has created many short films, plays and documentaries which have been aired in museums, theatres and festivals in Africa, US, Europe and the Caribbean. Films include Knives in my Throat and Aphrodite Superstar.
Abrams hosts The Best Shorts on BET and is also featured on My Two Cents which airs on Centric. Furthermore her television work has meant co-hosting or hosting Chatzone on HBO, Politically Incorrect on MTV and The Source: All Access which was a hip-hop show for Source Magazine. Abiola has also completed work for the
FOX network. Current television work includes The Planet Abiola Show on which she host produces for Blackplanet.
At the 2007 BET awards, Abrams was part of the red carpet interview team for The
Jimmy Kimmel Show in Los Angeles. In early 2009, Abiola featured as a female that was 'struggling to find love' on the show Tough Love for VH1, produced by Drew Barrymore.
Abrams is the founder of an inspirational movement that was designed to empower mainly women, called The Goddess Factory, which is aso the name of her home in Harlem. It is open to people of all cultures, backgrounds age and sex.
Abrams official website, which can be found here abiolaabrams.com, claims that she is the "Official Goddess of Fun" who is a "TV big mouth and author".