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Calvin Hughes - Calvin Hughes is a television news presenter and co-host of morning and afternoon news bulletins on the WPLG Local 10. During his television career he has won an Emmy Award.

Calvin Hughes is a television news presenter and co-host of morning and afternoon news bulletins on the WPLG Local 10. During his television career he has won an Emmy Award. Calvin Hughes began reporting for WPLG in 2006 and since that time he has been the chief host of the 5 o'clock to 7 o'clock, the 9 o'clock to 10 o'clock in the morning, and lunch time news for the station, alongside Kristi Kruegler. Early in the year 2010, Hughes also began co-hosting the prime nighttime news at 6 PM and 11 PM with Laurie Jennings. The show has gained a lot of momentum with the television audience in the United States. Prior to joining the WPLG Local 10, Calvin Hughes was working with the Philadelphia based KYW-TV, the CBS network affiliate. During his tenure in this station he served as the anchor to weekend news bulletins and during the week he hosted a current affairs program in the capacity of a reporter on national issues. He has worked as a reporter in different cities enjoying a substantial media audience including Atlanta, Philadelphia and Dallas. The versatile journalist has traveled widely to other areas in the larger Americas including the island nation of Haiti where, in 2008, he reported on his Assignment Haiti, that included a ground-breaking news documentary that won a nomination for a regional Emmy Award. With his special interest in Haiti, Hughes has reported widely from a witness' perspective on the devastating effects of the recent earthquake that occurred on 12th of January 2010. Calvin Hughes' media career began at the age of nineteen when he worked as a reporter with the KBIA-FM in the city where he was educated, of Colombia in Missouri, during his internship at the State University. He has been a strategic journalist who has conducted interviews with major personalities both from the United States politics and the international scene. He has been a notable interviewer on diplomatic affairs hosting congressmen and visiting diplomats alike. Calvin Hughes is married and he and his family lives in Miramar in the State of Florida. During the span of his television career he has also acted as an inspirational public speaker and a master of ceremony in numerous occasions. He graduated from the University of Missouri with a Bachelor's in journalism. He has spanned two decades in the television career. His birthplace is Cleveland, Ohio.
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