Fox News Channel, rated as the number one news network in the United States Fox is home to some of the most famous names in the political field. Programs such as the
O'Reilly Factor,
Hannity, and Glenn Beck hold some of the highest rating in America and are all featured on the Fox News Channel.
The longest running program on Fox is the O'Reilly Factor which premiered along with Fox News Channel in 1996. Since then the O'Reilly Factor has become the most watched cable news show in the United States of America. The show is geared towards youth and adults alike and has a growing audience of 3 million viewers. The show takes its name from its host Bill O'Reilly who gives a commentary on the news; mostly political news.
After co-host Alan Colmes left Fox's second most successful political program "Hannity & Colmes", Fox decided to create a spin off called Hannity which would be hosted by "Hannity & Colmes" former co-host Sean Hannity. The program is about the same and consists of Sean interviewing people and giving his own commentary of the news. The show also features Sean's "Hate Hannity hotline", a part of the program where hate/angry messages are played from a recorded phone call made by angry listeners.
Like msnbc and CNN the Fox news network has been accused of bias. Not bias towards the left, but bias towards the right. Under the Obama administration the white house has issued a statement claiming that Fox is not a real news network but rather a mouth piece for the Republican Party. Fox has answer this accusation stating that its political commentary and news reporting departments operate separately and independently of each other. I agree, fox does have commentators who are bias to the right, but these are not their news reporters and such programming is not presented as news.