The long anticipated wait for Games of Thrones was something that the majority of fans could not wait to be over. Like many TV series, the hype surrounding a new show is almost too much to comprehend. For that reason, a lot of TV series disappoint the crowds, which is certainly not the case when it comes to Games of Thrones.
The story line is based on seven different families. Each play their part with plenty of different characters involved. Of course, the main aim for each family is to obtain Westeros, or at least control over it. The main families in this TV series are Houses Stark, Lannister, and Baratheon. Robert Baratheon, King of Westeros, not forgetting Eddard.
Eddard plays an important role throughout the episodes, especially as he becomes known as the highest official to serve under the King. The mysterious murder that takes place means that Eddard has his work cut out in order to play his role in full. Of course, at the same time, the family of the Queen's (the Lannister's) is constantly thinking up new ideas that will allow them to take control quickly, before any other family does.
The plot is extremely intense and complicated at the same time. That being said, the producers have managed to incorporate a cool mix of tension, excitement and complexity so that really; anyone watching it can really understand.
Many readers find that once they have read the book, the TV series is just not going to match up in terms of quality. The reality is that most TV shows do not have a good enough director or producer to really make the plot of a book come alive. This is what most people would expect when watching Games of Thrones.
Here is the good thing though; Games of Thrones, the TV series, is an excellent representation of the book itself. The acting throughout each episode is extremely high quality, which is incredibly unusual for a program of this kind. The best thing about the TV series is that all of the important events are included, so even those that have not read the book, will know everything about it.
Overall the Games of Thrones TV series is an extremely exciting experience. Unlike many other TV show spin offs, this actually allows viewers to understand the trials and tribulations that happen on a regular basis throughout the book, via the TV series.