Once Upon A Time is a TV show that has shown some great potential and has a fan base that is consistently increasing in size. The great thing about this type of TV show is it gets right to the point, rather than taking the long road to nothing. The basis of the story is certainly fictional, with a lot of action focusing around the town of Storybrooke. Unlike many of the other low budget TV shows, the story line is consistent and therefore, it is extremely difficult to get confused when it comes to deciding what is really going on.
The story line is extremely easy to catch up with, even for those people that are not familiar with Once Upon a Time. The focus of the story is always around a girl name Emma Swan. Just before Emma was born, an important prophet predicted that there would be some unknown evil that would send everyone in the town to a place of evil, where they would forget all about the happiness that they once had.
The great thing about this story line is that Emma Swan knows there is some kind of destiny waiting for her, but she has no idea what it really is. As it turns out, it could be that she is the one to help all of her fellow Storybrooke inhabitants to get back to the life that they once knew. Of course, this seems like a fairly basic challenge, although there producers have made sure that there are plenty of cliffhangers throughout,
Of course, there are plenty of other characters in the story, but Emma is the main one throughout. After all, without her, the curse of the locals will never be lifted and they will never know what it feels like to be happy again. The story line develops with every minute that passes and keeps viewers entertained, but also on the edge of their seats at the same time. Parrilla is certainly a character to watch out for, as she is essentially the only real villain in the whole of the show.
Here is the good thing about Once Upon a Time; it is a show that has constant progression. Each viewer will feel like it has peaked, yet the next viewing will be even better than the last one. This makes the show extremely exciting, not to mention that it can be extremely entertaining for all of the family at the same time.