One thing that can be said about Person of Interest is that it keeps viewers hooked, right from the very beginning, to the very end of each episode. Very few other TV series can do the same, which means the producers of this new series have certainly done a great job. One of the main reasons for this is that the series focuses on what the US and New York was really like after 9/11 and how things had really changed. Remember though; the first episodes are fairly vague, much of an overview of what is about to come.
One of the main characters in the series is Jim Caviezel. Like every series similar to Person of Interest, there is the standard action hero and that is exactly what Jim is. That being said, unlike many other heroes, he has a heart an the story focuses on that fact. The exciting twist in the story is that there is a machine that can predict future crimes. Jim and his partner Mr Finch are soon to learn how terrible being at the hands of the local crime lords really is with a shocking twist.
The directors and producers of Person of Interest have focused on producing not just a good story line, but top quality action scenes at the same time. The fight scenes throughout the series are second to none and are easily on par with many of the Hollywood film fight scenes that can be seen as a daily basis. This may be helped along by the fact that the writer, Jonathan Nolan, has actually played a part in many major films, including The Dark Night; which certainly shows throughout the episodes from start to finish.
Overall, Person of Interest offers an exciting experience for all viewers, one that is hard for any other producer, director or even group of actors to replicate. The combination of fast paced, but extremely smart writing and excellent acting means that this is going to be one of the best TV series of all time. Any viewer interested in action and futuristic viewing is going to be hooked on Person of Interest for life. Expect plenty of suspense, especially as each episode tends to have multiple cliffhangers in it to keep everyone entertained. Most viewers are likely to give Person of Interest 8 or 9 out of 10 and it would be well deserved.